Several Indonesian public media this morning released a news about statement of Golkar Party's Chairman Jusuf Kalla on his allowing to some of the party's cadres, like Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Fadel Muhammad taking parts in presidential candidacy that organized by other political parties. Jusuf Kalla, in his statement, actually would like to show his democratic leadership to the public and affirmation that Golkar Party is a democratic and plural party.
On the other side, strong factionalism motion nowadays in internal Golkar Party reflected a distinct between Golkar before and after Soeharto era. In Soeharto era, there were fewer, or even nothing, factionalism motion in internal party due to his strong leadership and authoritarian style. But now, Golkar Party has been led by other leaders performing a party's reform platform, Akbar Tanjung and Jusuf Kalla. They have less power than Soeharto has. Besides due to their affiliation, the reformation era also brings every political party to put democracy as its fundamental of organization.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus, International Relations Study
Jember University, Indonesia
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