Sejumlah media hari ini melaporkan berita mengenai kemenangan partai oposisi Selandia Baru dalam pemilihan Perdana Menteri yang baru. Sekitar 3 juta pemilih dilaporkan telah terdaftar untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam proses pemilihan. 45 persen, mayoritas suara, telah memilih John Key yang juga Pemimpin Partai Nasional sebagai Perdana Menteri yang baru.
Sebelumnya, PM Selandia Baru merupakan seorang tokoh perempuan yaitu Helen Clark. Sejumlah orang menilai Helen yang berasal dari Partai Buruh itu telah membuat beberapa terobosan di bidang reformasi sosial dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun, ketidakstabilan ekonomi global menjadi faktor penting yang menjadikan pertimbangan para pemilih. Karena dalam waktu yang cukup singkat, perekonomian domestik juga menjadi tidak stabil, khususnya kekhawatiran terhadap suku bunga kredit.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Optimisme Obama
Untuk pertama kalinya sejak terpilih sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barrack Hussein Obama menggelar konferensi pers di Hotel Chicago kemarin (07/11). Dalam pernyataanya, Hussein secara tidak langsung mengakui betul bahwa Amerika Serikat dalam keadaan serba sulit khususnya dalam hal ekonomi dan politik, yang kemudian ia istilahkan sebagai "keluar dari lubang dimana kita sekarang".
"It's not going to be quick and it's not going to be easy to dig ourselves out of the hole we are in"
Namun sebagai salah satu tokoh muda Amerika yang berumur 47 tahun, Hussein dengan gaya optimismenya mengatakan "But America is a strong and resilient country and I know that we will succeed if we put aside partisanship and politics to work together."
Memang terlalu sederhana apabila memaknai pernyataan Hussein yang terakhir ini adalah sebagai sebuah pondasi dalam menyelasaikan beragam masalah, "meletakkan dan mengesampingkan rasa keberpihakan dan politik untuk bekerja sama". Namun, mungkin memang itu yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan oleh bangsa Amerika Serikat atau seluruh ummat manusia di muka bumi ini.
Tidak bermaksud menjiplak pernyataan Hussein, bagaimana kalau kita ganti sedikit kata-katanya "But Indonesia is a strong and resilient country and I know that we will succeed if we put aside partisanship and politics to work together," apakah Indonesia bisa menjadi seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Hussein?
Memang persatuan dan kebersamaan dalam mencari jalan keluar sebuah masalah merupakan impian sebagian besar anak bangsa. Namun bagi Indonesia, mungkin masalahnya tidak sampai di titik itu. Apalagi tahun depan para elite yang juga merupakan bagian dari kita akan menggelar hajatan Pemilu. Hasrat untuk memuaskan kepentingan pribadi dan partai akan menjadi godaan yang teramat berat bagi yang menyadarinya.
Secara ekonomi, sebenarnya pemerintah Indonesia sekarang ini sedang merintis program-program yang bermaksud mendistribusikan pendapatan agar yang miskin tidak terus-menerus menjadi miskin, dan yang lemah tidak terus menerus melemah atau terlemahkan. Seperti program PNPM, pemberdayaan UMKM, dan sejenisnya. Pemberian modal dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lumayan bagus untuk mengembangkan rasa nasionalisme kita sebagai suatu bangsa, Bangsa Indonesia. Sayangnya, sebagai orang yang tidak banyak tahu mengenai kinerja dan proses implementasi proyek-proyek ini beranggapan bahwa pemerintah sepertinya masih malu-malu atau mungkin setengah hati dalam menjalankan proses ini. Karena dalam kenyataanya, lagi-lagi lemahnya aspek pengawasan atau tidak sesuainya format program dengan budaya lokal menjadi hambatan besar dalam mewujudkan visi dan misi program.
Secara politik, keinginan bersatu untuk mencari solusi kebangsaan bisa dikatakan masih jauh atau sulit untuk dilaksanakan. Memang premis ini berpijak pada paradigma kaum realis yang lebih mengedepankan fakta di dunia nyata, tinimbang ide-ide yang dianggap terkadang utopis. Fragmentasi politik antar berbagai kelompok yang berujung pada warna-warni kepentingan perlahan-lahan mempersempit komunikasi antar anak bangsa.
Pada akhirnya, kita diminta untuk kembali melihat sesuatu dengan kacamata optimisme di mana tidak ada suatu masalah pun, khususnya yang berbau duniawi, yang tidak dapat diselesaikan. Kita berharap banyak bahwa para elite politik bisa meninggalkan kebiasaan untuk mengedepankan hasrat pribadi dan mulai membangun kesadaran bahwa rakyat adalah tujuan utama perjuangan mereka.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus-Prodi. Hubungan Internasional
2001, Universitas Jember
"It's not going to be quick and it's not going to be easy to dig ourselves out of the hole we are in"
Namun sebagai salah satu tokoh muda Amerika yang berumur 47 tahun, Hussein dengan gaya optimismenya mengatakan "But America is a strong and resilient country and I know that we will succeed if we put aside partisanship and politics to work together."
Memang terlalu sederhana apabila memaknai pernyataan Hussein yang terakhir ini adalah sebagai sebuah pondasi dalam menyelasaikan beragam masalah, "meletakkan dan mengesampingkan rasa keberpihakan dan politik untuk bekerja sama". Namun, mungkin memang itu yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan oleh bangsa Amerika Serikat atau seluruh ummat manusia di muka bumi ini.
Tidak bermaksud menjiplak pernyataan Hussein, bagaimana kalau kita ganti sedikit kata-katanya "But Indonesia is a strong and resilient country and I know that we will succeed if we put aside partisanship and politics to work together," apakah Indonesia bisa menjadi seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Hussein?
Memang persatuan dan kebersamaan dalam mencari jalan keluar sebuah masalah merupakan impian sebagian besar anak bangsa. Namun bagi Indonesia, mungkin masalahnya tidak sampai di titik itu. Apalagi tahun depan para elite yang juga merupakan bagian dari kita akan menggelar hajatan Pemilu. Hasrat untuk memuaskan kepentingan pribadi dan partai akan menjadi godaan yang teramat berat bagi yang menyadarinya.
Secara ekonomi, sebenarnya pemerintah Indonesia sekarang ini sedang merintis program-program yang bermaksud mendistribusikan pendapatan agar yang miskin tidak terus-menerus menjadi miskin, dan yang lemah tidak terus menerus melemah atau terlemahkan. Seperti program PNPM, pemberdayaan UMKM, dan sejenisnya. Pemberian modal dan pemberdayaan masyarakat lumayan bagus untuk mengembangkan rasa nasionalisme kita sebagai suatu bangsa, Bangsa Indonesia. Sayangnya, sebagai orang yang tidak banyak tahu mengenai kinerja dan proses implementasi proyek-proyek ini beranggapan bahwa pemerintah sepertinya masih malu-malu atau mungkin setengah hati dalam menjalankan proses ini. Karena dalam kenyataanya, lagi-lagi lemahnya aspek pengawasan atau tidak sesuainya format program dengan budaya lokal menjadi hambatan besar dalam mewujudkan visi dan misi program.
Secara politik, keinginan bersatu untuk mencari solusi kebangsaan bisa dikatakan masih jauh atau sulit untuk dilaksanakan. Memang premis ini berpijak pada paradigma kaum realis yang lebih mengedepankan fakta di dunia nyata, tinimbang ide-ide yang dianggap terkadang utopis. Fragmentasi politik antar berbagai kelompok yang berujung pada warna-warni kepentingan perlahan-lahan mempersempit komunikasi antar anak bangsa.
Pada akhirnya, kita diminta untuk kembali melihat sesuatu dengan kacamata optimisme di mana tidak ada suatu masalah pun, khususnya yang berbau duniawi, yang tidak dapat diselesaikan. Kita berharap banyak bahwa para elite politik bisa meninggalkan kebiasaan untuk mengedepankan hasrat pribadi dan mulai membangun kesadaran bahwa rakyat adalah tujuan utama perjuangan mereka.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus-Prodi. Hubungan Internasional
2001, Universitas Jember
Friday, November 07, 2008
Hu Jintao and The US President-elect
Channel News Asia today released a news entitled ''Asian Leaders voice hopes for over Obama''. But I think the main focus on this news was the statement of China's President Hu Jintao. He hoped the bilateral ties between USA and China could reach more positive in higher level.
In George Walker Bush period, the bilateral ties between both countries often trapped in a tension. In this case, the most tangible issue is about Taiwan independence. Indeed, Bush Jr. affirmed that the US and his administration only recognized the One-China Policy. But as usual, USA always shows its double-standard policy by welcoming and maintaining communication with Taiwan. It triggered the profound reaction from Chinese Government.
On the other side, the very significant growth of China's economy has been a threaten for US, particularly in term of soft power. China ever touched annual economy growth about 9% which was contributed by the manufacture and agriculture sector that have grown rapidly. Certainly, it stimulates the increase in export. Many countries are currently experiencing the greater number of imports from China.
Now, Hu Jintao, like other country leaders, expected that the US President-elect Barrack Hussein Obama could bring the positive relations for his country. I think the statement was such an invitation for Obama to ameliorate the relations between two countries. Obama must consider seriously this opportunity. Moreover, the closer ties between China and the US would bring the positive effect on world economy, particularly in term of stability. Once again, Obama must pay the invitation seriously.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus International Relations Program
2001, Jember University
In George Walker Bush period, the bilateral ties between both countries often trapped in a tension. In this case, the most tangible issue is about Taiwan independence. Indeed, Bush Jr. affirmed that the US and his administration only recognized the One-China Policy. But as usual, USA always shows its double-standard policy by welcoming and maintaining communication with Taiwan. It triggered the profound reaction from Chinese Government.
On the other side, the very significant growth of China's economy has been a threaten for US, particularly in term of soft power. China ever touched annual economy growth about 9% which was contributed by the manufacture and agriculture sector that have grown rapidly. Certainly, it stimulates the increase in export. Many countries are currently experiencing the greater number of imports from China.
Now, Hu Jintao, like other country leaders, expected that the US President-elect Barrack Hussein Obama could bring the positive relations for his country. I think the statement was such an invitation for Obama to ameliorate the relations between two countries. Obama must consider seriously this opportunity. Moreover, the closer ties between China and the US would bring the positive effect on world economy, particularly in term of stability. Once again, Obama must pay the invitation seriously.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus International Relations Program
2001, Jember University
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Obama and A Hard Trial for American Democracy
First of all, I would like to present my congratulation on the amazing election that has been won by Barrack Husein Obama who obtained 338 electoral votes, and congratulate also to Senator John McCain for his everlasting spirit in this competition.
I think it has been a hard trial for American Democracy to elect an Afro-American to become the President of the United States of America. It was not only me, many people also thought that the race issue would be the big constraint for Obama to win this competition. Perhaps we still remember the figure of Martin Luther King or John Fitzgerald Kennedy who were devoted their political career in equality supremacy for everyone. As JFK, several times American people associated Obama with JFK because his youth. They also associated Obama with Marthin Luther King fighting for equality.
Besides a hard trial for American Democracy, the winning Obama has been a strong signal for Bush and his Republican Party that the world and American people want a change. People get bored and frustrated with the never-ending war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US citizens are calculating how much of their total tax that their paid regularly is used in supporting war in Iraq. Meanwhile, the domestic economic and prosperity was ignored by Bush Jr administration. It truly happens nowadays. The US financial crisis that influences the world economy becomes a landmark to finish the Bush regime as soon as possible.
Finally, Obama holds the hard burden to realize all of his campaigns, especially in the term of 'change'. I think the strong and ideal cabinet would be very useful to help the program implementation. Most of people, inside or outside of America, put their highest expectation in Obama Administration. Once again, congratulation Obama.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus of International Relations Program 2001
Jember University-Indonesia
I think it has been a hard trial for American Democracy to elect an Afro-American to become the President of the United States of America. It was not only me, many people also thought that the race issue would be the big constraint for Obama to win this competition. Perhaps we still remember the figure of Martin Luther King or John Fitzgerald Kennedy who were devoted their political career in equality supremacy for everyone. As JFK, several times American people associated Obama with JFK because his youth. They also associated Obama with Marthin Luther King fighting for equality.
Besides a hard trial for American Democracy, the winning Obama has been a strong signal for Bush and his Republican Party that the world and American people want a change. People get bored and frustrated with the never-ending war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US citizens are calculating how much of their total tax that their paid regularly is used in supporting war in Iraq. Meanwhile, the domestic economic and prosperity was ignored by Bush Jr administration. It truly happens nowadays. The US financial crisis that influences the world economy becomes a landmark to finish the Bush regime as soon as possible.
Finally, Obama holds the hard burden to realize all of his campaigns, especially in the term of 'change'. I think the strong and ideal cabinet would be very useful to help the program implementation. Most of people, inside or outside of America, put their highest expectation in Obama Administration. Once again, congratulation Obama.
Andi Kurniawan
Alumnus of International Relations Program 2001
Jember University-Indonesia
Monday, November 03, 2008
Bank Indover to be liquidated
The Investor Daily-November 01, 2008 Miranda Swaray Goeltom, senior deputy governor of Bank Indonesia, stated that the central bank couldn’t rescue and maintain Indover Bank without the agreement from House of Representatives. Meanwhile, the court in Netherlands gave the deadline until October 31, 2008. In fact, until the end of session that held by House of Representatives on October 31, 2008, there was no agenda to further discuss and decide on Indover’s destiny.
Tunas Baru Lampung earns profit Rp 273 billion
The Kompas Daily-November 03, 2008PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk, an integrated agribusiness industry, obtained net profit increase 420%, from Rp 52 billion in quarter III 2007 to Rp 273 billion in quarter III 2008. The rise was affected by sales increase that was about 138%, from Rp 1.3 trillion in quarter III-2007 to Rp 3.1 trillion in quarter III-2008.
Net profit of Astra rises to Rp. 7.37 trillion
The Kompas Daily-November 03, 2008 PT Astra International Tbk and its subsidiaries released public report last week which consists of their performance until September 2008. The company earned net income raise during the period as much as Rp. 73.77 trillion, increasing about 45 percent compared with the same period in 2007 which was Rp 50.8 trillion. The income from operation increased 65%, from Rp 6.03 trillion to Rp 9.96 trillion. So that net profit of the company increased 61%, from Rp 4.58 trillion to Rp. 7.37 trillion.
Belgium needs to re-probe train development
The Kompas Daily-November 03, 2008 Alexander Mourisse, business development and legal affairs Transurb Technirail NV, told that Belgium would re-probe the cooperation in the field of train transportation development in Indonesia. Alexander said massive transportation such as train needs to be developed. According to Alexander, Belgium had assisted Indonesia to develop train industry since 1982.
Belgium needs to re-probe train development
The Kompas Daily-November 03, 2008 Alexander Mourisse, business development and legal affairs Transurb Technirail NV, told that Belgium would re-probe the cooperation in the field of train transportation development in Indonesia. Alexander said massive transportation such as train needs to be developed. According to Alexander, Belgium had assisted Indonesia to develop train industry since 1982.
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